How to Ask for Someone’s Number on Hinge Without Being Awkward

Prepare Yourself

Dating can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to prepare yourself before taking the plunge. Make sure you know exactly what you’re looking for in a partner, as well as what you’re willing to give up or compromise on.

It’s also helpful to reflect on your values and expectations surrounding relationships, so that you can communicate these clearly with potential partners. Take some time to think about how your past experiences have shaped who you are today, and how they will inform the way that you approach dating.

Make a Connection with the Person You’re Interested In

Making a connection with the person you’re interested in is an important part of dating. Building a strong connection can help to create a trusting, intimate relationship.

The best way to make a connection with someone is to get to know them on an emotional level. Ask questions about their passions, thoughts, and feelings. Show genuine interest in their answers and remember details they tell you for later conversations.

Share your own stories as well; let them in on who you are and don’t be afraid of vulnerability.


If you’re a geek looking for love, Geek2Geek is the perfect dating site for you! With its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive search options, you can find someone who shares your interests in no time. Plus, their unique matching algorithms make it easier to find that special find Out More someone without wasting time scrolling through endless profiles.


The dating app XCheaters is a great way to meet potential dates and ask for their numbers. XCheaters allows you to create a profile that includes basic information about yourself, such as age, gender, location, and interests.

You can also add pictures of yourself or even videos if you like. Once your profile is completed, you can start browsing through the profiles of other users in your area who also have similar interests as yours.


BBWCupid is a great dating app for anyone looking to find an ideal partner. It offers a wide range of features and benefits that make it easy to connect with potential dates.

One of my favorite things about BBWCupid is its ability to help users ask for a number on Hinge. With this feature, users can easily send direct messages to other members they are interested in, which gives them the opportunity to get a phone number without having to worry about being rejected or feeling awkward.

Be Confident and Direct

In dating, confidence and directness can be key to success. When meeting someone for the first time, having a confident attitude can help you stand out in a positive way. Being direct with your intentions is also important; it’s okay to express interest or make plans for the future early on.

Doing so allows both people to get an idea of whether or not they’re compatible and if they want to pursue something further. If you’re confident and direct, it’s easier to find out if there’s potential for a relationship without wasting too much time on small talk.

Follow Up After You Ask for the Number

Once you have asked for and received someone’s phone number, it is important to follow up with them. Make sure you wait a few hours before calling or texting them to give them time to think about your request. When reaching out, start with a casual conversation.

Ask how their day is going or make small talk about something that interests both of you. Show your interest in getting to know the person better by asking questions about themselves and showing genuine curiosity in their read more responses. It can also be helpful to set up a date or activity so that you can continue the conversation in person.

How do I start a conversation on Hinge by asking for someone’s number?

Hey there, I was wondering if you would be interested in getting to know each other better outside of Hinge? Would you be open to exchanging numbers so we can chat and get to know each other more?

What are some tips for successfully asking someone out via Hinge?

1. Be Upfront: It’s important to be honest and upfront when asking someone out on Hinge. If you’re looking for something casual, make sure the other person knows that before you ask them out. This will help avoid misunderstandings and disappointment later down the line.

2. Make it Personal: Your match is more likely to respond positively if your invitation for a date is personalized and tailored to their interests.

What kind of response should I expect when asking for a person’s number on Hinge?

It is best to be straightforward and polite when asking for a person’s number on Hinge. Your response will depend on the person you are talking to and their comfort level with giving out their phone number. In general, if they are interested in getting to know you better, they may be willing to give you their number so that you can continue your conversation off of the app.